When Vanderbilt Medical Center asked us to create the opening video to kick-off its annual employee celebration event, they said they wanted an upbeat anthem that captured the magnitude of its daily operations. But most importantly, the video had to showcase as many different kinds of employees as we could fit inside three-and-half minutes. Their challenge to us was to explore the furthest reaches of the hospital in order to create an accurate, inclusive picture of Vanderbilt’s workforce.
The heroes behind the heroes

The Project
The Project
Commercial quality, documentary honesty
Our concept was to capture a typical day at the hospital, from start to finish, with all the visual flourishes we would deliver for a commercial campaign. Our team spent two days filming in the hidden places film crews typically avoid: boiler rooms, basements, kitchens, and supply rooms. But it was here we found the remarkable people who keep Vanderbilt moving around the clock.

A video to honor those who work behind the scenes
Having recently completed Vanderbilt Medical Center’s TV brand campaign, which focused on patients and physicians, we saw this event video as a welcome opportunity to turn our cameras on employees who rarely get the spotlight – janitors, food service workers, and call center employees. In this video, they would be the stars. And judging by their reaction at the event, they appreciated every second of it.

About the partnership
Over the years, Stonecastle has helped Vanderbilt Medical Center discover and showcase the very best version of itself, whether the audience has been the general public, or as in this case, its own employees. Our partnership, which goes back more than a decade, has produced award-winning recruitment videos, explainer videos, and a TV brand campaign.
The Results
The event video played at the beginning of each of Vanderbilt’s five employee appreciation events to “amp up” the crowd.
"Stonecastle produced an amazing opening video to kick off the event. It combined touching stories with high energy all focused on what makes VUMC a special place. The video really captured the essence of the amazing work done here everyday."